Queer Jewish Joy

Shabbes 24/7 3rd Anniversary / Chanukah celebration

From 18:00 to 21:00

that's what x said

Join us on 14 December at 6pm to celebrate the third anniversary of Shabbes 24/7 and Hanukkah.

Shabbes 24/7 is a Belgian collective for queer Jews in the diaspora. Founded by three queer, feminist and Jewish women from Belgium, Shabbes24/7 was born out of the need to find a space to feel at home in ALL their identities and politics. A place to live out their diasporic dreams and build an alternative Jewish organisation that gives life to their feminist values and commitment to queer liberation.

Pick up your copy of this year’s zine, Queer Jewish Joy, and enjoy an evening of live music, zine readings, film screenings and Hanukkah celebrations. Artwork by members of Shabbes 24/7 will also be available.




Artwork by @Rocky Cohen

Works by

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