Les hommes et le Féminisme

Écoute collective avec La Bonne Poire

From 18:00 to 21:00

that's what x said

‘All men support and perpetuate sexism and sexist oppression in one way or another […]. […] While they should not feel guilty for embedding sexism, they must take responsibility for eliminating it.’ (bell hooks, 2017:160)

How can we take on this responsibility? What tools do we currently have? What are the blind spots? How do we stand alongside feminists as men? How can we be a good ally, in private life as well as in the public sphere and militant action? And to do all this without falling into a paternalistic attitude, without taking centre stage before disappearing at the first sign of trouble?

For this 3rd season of La Bonne Poire, we wanted to try out a new format. We therefore invite you to listen together to an episode of Les Couilles sur la Table that has not yet been released (but will be when the activity takes place, of course). In this episode, Francis Dupuis-Déri attempts to answer the questions raised above. And because we like to think things through collectively, after listening to the episode there will be a discussion to pool our questions, impressions and observations and move forward together.


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