
Sex work is art

From 17:30 to 21:30

That's what x said - galerie

Event organised by and for sex workers
The “Apéripute” event is a moment for sex workers to meet and share together about their work, life but also about the current needs and matters that their community can face, while being in a safer-space made of welcoming and intimate atmosphere.
For this edition, the discussions were mainly around the possible link between sex work and art creation. Few of the participants will talk about their relationship with creation as a way to express themselves. Drawing, writing, dancing, creating characters, narrate stories or just speaking about their truth often become a way to externalise their feelings and experiences about work.
This event is concurrent to the exhibition by HIRO (Nour Beetch and Nicky Lapierre) that takes place at the same time.

Works by

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