Yaqine Hamzaoui

Bruxelles / Belgique

From her very beginning, Yaqine Hamzaoui has quickly become a prominent name in the photography scene. She participated in Listen! a festival organised by VICE, worked with fashion brand Natan, and followed Blu Samu on tour for three months. Yaqine was also the official photographer for the Ancienne Belgique in Brussels for a year, where she strengthened her connection to the hip hop scene, now working closely with many artists and collectives. Together with Martha Da’ro she also founded the collective Visual Poetry.

Yaqine’s work is defined by her passion for portraiture. Looking to keep her photographs authentic, she captures an instant without worrying about perfection. Yaqine has a keen eye for finding beauty in imperfection. Through her medium of choice, she gets to meet new people, preferring to collaborate with local artists. Belgium is full of talented artists, who she wants to bring into the light.  She produced a music video for Martha Da’ro, worked with Belgian rapper Yong Yello, and for a photoshoot for the eyewear brand Bidules.


Works by Yaqine Hamzaoui

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