Tom Van Den Wijngaert

Gent / Belgium

Tom Van den Wijngaert is a multidisciplinary artist from Gent working with different mediums including textiles, photography, zines and prints. His work relates to memories, traces left behind by people who have since gone. Through his personal experience of the world, Tom is looking for new narratives, not shying away from presenting himself in his naked form for his art. Tom’s art begins with self-discovery, he takes his own experiences apart and puts pieces of them back together to form a new story. His work calls to one’s emotions, memories and love.

In his publishing work, under the name Pietra Publications, Tom also creates zines in which he merges photography and texts. In his zines and the rest of his work, he welcomes the reader into his intimate realities.


Works by Tom Van Den Wijngaert

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