Sophie Vanhomwegen

Bruxelles / Belgique

Sophie Vanhomwegen is a visual artist living and working in Brussels, working with collages on paper, photographic prints and digital artworks such as animations and videos. She takes images from magazines, that she transforms through diverse techniques. Through this act of deconstruction, the initial image goes through a metamorphosis that is both aesthetic and conceptual.

Her surrealist collages approach subjects such as imagination versus reality, what is kept hidden and what is shown on the surface. In her compositions, Sophie creates a visual tension that attracts the viewer with its familiar aspect but also troubles them. She looks at femininity and sensuality in a poetic manner with a dash of strangeness.

Sophie mostly works from images she finds in fashion magazines and advertising pages, which she gives a new meaning to. Realising the harmful effect of those images with their fake and manipulative messages inspired her artistic practice, in which she aims to reveal their versatile nature.


Works by Sophie Vanhomwegen

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