Samantha Gordon

London / United Kingdom

Born in Hong Kong, Samantha Gordon moved between there and Malaysia, where she spent all of her summers until the age of 13.  It is during these summers that she was first introduced to ceramics, where her aunt brought her to pottery classes in Kuala Lumpur. Early on she started making small animals and pots, trying her hand at bigger pieces during her studies at Morley College in London. Today, Samantha creates elaborate pieces in her free time, presenting them for sale for the very first time.

Challenging body normativity, her work aims to bring different body types to light and encourage everyone to accept their own bodies as they are. Samantha highlights societal pressures surrounding body norms, adding a touch of humour with phrases she paints on her pieces, such as Kiss My Ass or Check My Rolls.


that's what she/her said

her work aims to bring different body types to light and encourage everyone to accept their own bodies as they are.

Works by Samantha Gordon

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