Rébecca Moreau Zieba

Charleroi / Belgium

Rébecca Moreau Zieba is an artist and art teacher. Having always been attracted to creation, she started drawing from the moment she could hold a pencil. First enrolled at university to become a psychologist, she decided to look for a different path and studied visual communication.

Her life is guided by the need to understand, listen and help, which she applies as much in her artistic practice than in her everyday life. Attracted by the educational aspect of art, Rébecca became an art teacher. After university, she also completed a training in art therapy.

Outside of teaching, Rébecca draws to clear her mind and commemorate moments. Paper becomes a medium for her memory. She draws everything she holds dear, things she finds beautiful: people, hands, homes. In her work, she wants to show positive images promoting diversity, self-love, and the love we give to others.


Works by Rébecca Moreau Zieba

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