Oh OFI !


OH OFI is an illustrator based in Karlsruhe in Germany. Creation is omnipresent in her life which is shared between her artistic productions, her travels, and her job as a kindergarten teacher. Self-taught, she experiments with different mediums, like drawing, digital and traditional painting, spray paint and pottery. Through her illustrations, OH OFI deals with subjects such as feminism or mental health.

She is inspired by her daily life and her surroundings. The bright colours she employs contrast with the expressions and grumpy faces of the characters. For the artist, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are in a bad mood, but simply that they are bored of having to always smile and be pretty like society expects them to. OH OFI denounces society’s injunctions to beauty and smiles. These usually gendered characters represent a diversity of bodies that deconstruct norms of aestheticism and beauty.


Works by Oh OFI !

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