Juliette Mancini

Paris / France

After studying Graphic Design at the Arts Décoratifs in Paris and at the ÉSAA Duperré, Juliette Mancini started working with comic books. In 2014, she won second place of the Young Talents price at the Festival international de la bande-dessinée d’Angoulême.

In 2015, she co-founded Bien, Monsieur, a comic book magazine telling stories that are political, funny and philosophical. In 2016, she published her first comic book, De la chevalerie, taking the reader into a medieval, patriarchal and corrupt universe, very similar to our current society. In 2021, Juliette published her latest comic book, Éveils, questioning thematics that are close to her such as growing up, self-evolution and comprehension. Based in Paris, Juliette now spends her time working on graphic design commissions, writing new comic books and hosting workshops in schools.


Works by Juliette Mancini

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