Ivonné Gargano

Bruxelles / Belgique

Based in Brussels, Ivonné is an illustrator, ceramicist and self-publisher from Venezuela. She creates fanzines and prints exploring themes such as our relationship to the body, her personal experiences and her home-country.

She sees the book has a medium, an object that she can question and transform. Ivonné is constantly looking for new ways of communicating narratives, as well as the relationship between the form and the content. Deeply passionate in her work, Ivonné can spend years on a unique series, perfecting and developing it until she feels it is finally completed. Her work is poetic, putting her life and thoughts into words and pictures, a combination of tenderness and profound reflections.


that's what she/her said

elle crée des zines et prints explorant toutes sortes de thématiques comme le rapport au corps mais aussi son expérience personnelle au Venezuela.

Works by Ivonné Gargano

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