Hina Hundt

Paris / France

Originally trained as a graphic designer, Hina Hundt didn’t set out to become an illustrator. After her studies, she decided to leave the Parisian banlieue for Toulouse where she studied graphic design at the Ecole de Condé, before finding her calling four years later.

Hina’s illustrations aim to show different ways of experiencing femininity, through her own story as well as others’. The female body is her subject of predilection, an intimate witness to her personal experiences and thoughts, but also a reaction to the world she lives in. The artist brings to light body issues, stigmatisations and discriminations facing feminine bodies. She depicts everything deemed to be shameful, required to be kept away from sight. Through her illustrations, she wants to express a message of kindness and self-worth.  In her work, Hina is committed to represent a diverse range of women, believing that equality cannot be achieved until everyone is widely represented in mainstream media.


Works by Hina Hundt

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