Barbara Salomé Felgenhauer

Barbara Salomé Felgenhauer works and lives in Brussels. She studied photography at École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc in Liège. After her graduation in 2013 she completed her training by working as an assistant to photographer Merel T’Hart in her Brussels studio.

Through photography, video and performance, Barbara creates spaces of freedom in which she reclaims bodies. An activist against all oppressions tied to physical characteristics and/or identity, her work explores and expresses fragments of life and nature via the formal proximity between individuals. She considers photography to be an experiment in emancipation in regards to gender norms and stereotypes.

Barbara participated to several exhibits in Belgium, France and Italy. She also taught at specialised school Escalpade in Wavre, ESP Maritime in Molebeek and at React by Design in the University of Antwerp. Nowadays, she is pursuing a master’s degree in photography at La Cambre.


Works by Barbara Salomé Felgenhauer

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